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Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence

About this training:

Emotional intelligence indicates a person’s ability to perceive their own emotions and manage their feelings to effectively solve problems. Interest in emotional intelligence rose at the beginning of the 20th century due to the inability of classical IQ tests to explain the characteristics of people's motivations and behavior. Azercell Academy’s training will help you to develop and control your emotional intelligence.


  • What is emotional Intelligence?
  • Definition and types of emotions
  • The Bar-On concept of emotional and social intelligence
  • The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence model
  • Daniel Goleman model of EI
  • Occupational burnout
  • Emotions management
  • Empathy
About Azercell Academy

Azercell Academy has come a long way since its inception in 2003

The first Azercell Academy programs were designed only for Azercell’s employees. Their massive success created a demand for similar training across Azerbaijan’s corporate retail, insurance, banking, public service and other sectors. We answered that call with a comprehensive syllabus and expanded facilities.