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To the attention of Azercell subscribers

calendar 01.01.2019

Starting from 08.01.2019, charging interval for  "Her Yere" tariff package which is available for Azercell`s Prepaid line will be 30 seconds, whereas the charging interval for the "Socar" and "Dovletcell" tariff packages will be 15 seconds.

Starting from 08.01.2019 the connection to the "Business 200" tariff package will be stopped for the numbers of the Postpaid line. The numbers using this tariff package will continue to benefit from the relevant terms

Note: Subscribers can get detailed information about the changes, terms of tariff and Internet packages, order, replacement and refusal, as well as services, tariffs and campaigns provided by "Azercell Telecom" from our official website (
www.azercell. com), as well as by contacting Customer Care (Customer Care offices, 24/7 Call Center).