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To the attention of Azercell corporate subscribers!

calendar 10.08.2021

From 09 September 2021, the process of connecting postpaid line numbers in the segment of corporate clients (including for legal entities and persons equated to legal entities) to the packages “Azercell Partners”, “Azeronline Tariff Model”, “Bələdiyyə”, “Korporativ Klassik” “Korporativ Platinum”, “Korporativ Platinum Extra”, “Korporativ Premium”, “Dealer TP”, “Dövlət Korporativ”, “Dövlətcell”, “Korporativ 5000”, “Region 2”, “Sizin tarif 3”, “Sizin tarif 3.5”, as well as to the tariff packs “ Business10 ”, “Business55 ”, “Optimist danışıq”, “Optimist internet ”, “Optimist şəbəkə ”,
“Minimalist” “Praqmatist ”, “Maksimalist ”, “İdealist ” will be discontinued.

Subscribers who have joined the indicated tariff packs before the specified date are given the opportunity to continue using these packages on a general basis in accordance with standard rules until the current subscription is canceled.

Note: Subscribers can learn about the applicable changes, conditions, ordering, replacement and cancellation of tariff and data packs, as well as detailed information about services, tariffs and campaigns provided by “Azercell Telecom” LLC on our official website (, also by contacting the Customer Care Center (CC offices, 24/7 Call center).