
Kabinetim for iOS Android

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Mobile device management

Mobile device management

Security and control of your devices

Take full control of your company devices

Take full control of your company devices

"Mobile device management" solution empowers businesses to effortlessly manage, secure, and customize their mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, terminals) and ensure the security of their sensitive corporate data on those devices. Our platform provides comprehensive control: from controlling and locking devices to adjusting settings and monitoring statistics. Additionally, bulk actions streamline operations, by allowing you to make changes across multiple devices with just one click.

Features that will help you to achieve peace of mind

Centralized management

Bulk actions for a specified group of users/devices, quick device enrollment

Increased productivity

Securely access corporate resources while seamlessly deploying essential updates, keeping workflows uninterrupted.

Remote management

Simplify IT management with remote troubleshooting, updates, and policy deployment across devices, ideal for organizations with remote or distributed teams.

Asset tracking and inventory management

Get full device visibility: monitor specs, software, and usage stats. Identify vulnerabilities and plan upgrades easily. Build your own app store.


It's scalable and adaptable to accommodate the evolving needs of organizations, whether they're managing a small team of devices or a large enterprise deployment.

Cost savings

Simplify IT support with automated device management through our service. Enhance security and prevent data loss effectively.

Features that will help you to achieve peace of mind

Centralized management

Centralized management

Bulk actions for a specified group of users/devices, quick device enrollment

Increased productivity

Increased productivity

Securely access corporate resources while seamlessly deploying essential updates, keeping workflows uninterrupted.

Remote management

Remote management

Simplify IT management with remote troubleshooting, updates, and policy deployment across devices, ideal for organizations with remote or distributed teams.

Asset tracking and inventory management

Asset tracking and inventory management

Get full device visibility: monitor specs, software, and usage stats. Identify vulnerabilities and plan upgrades easily. Build your own app store.



It's scalable and adaptable to accommodate the evolving needs of organizations, whether they're managing a small team of devices or a large enterprise deployment.

Cost savings

Cost savings

Simplify IT support with automated device management through our service. Enhance security and prevent data loss effectively.

Product benefits

Data policy

Your data will be stored and processed either on Azercell servers or on your servers. No overseas servers are used for this service.

The network you prefer

You can choose to operate devices through internet or via an isolated network without internet access.

Immediately and simply

Need to urgently delete or block access to corporate data on a device? Now you will be able to do it with just one click.

Our offers

Security and control of your devices

Security and control of your devices

3 ways to manage devices

Company owned device: with a single profile

This method gives full control over device and software functions.

Company owned device: with two profiles

This method provides the user with two profiles: one for corporate use under an activated corporate policy, and another for personal use with different settings.

User owned device: with two profiles (Bring your own device)

This method provides the opportunity to control corporate data on user devices. The company may review corporate profiles and information, but may not monitor or access personal profiles and data.

Need a digital solution? Azercell Business can help!

Need a digital solution? Azercell Business can help!

Contact us for a personalized solution for your specific needs or pick a ready-made offers. The possibilities are endless with Azercell!