If there are not enough funds on your number balance, and you need to make an urgent call or send an SMS, you can get a loan using "SimKredit".
The cost of each SMS sent to activate "SimKredit" service is 0.08 AZN.
To find out the SimKredit debt, it is enough to send "info" to the appropriate SimKredit numbers.
If the subscriber dials any number/code after *150, the system will treat it as a loan request. After this operation, the subscriber will be provided with credit.
To order the maximum amount of "SimKredit", dial *200#YES or send kredit to 9600 (the cost is determined by the system in accordance with the terms and conditions).
Only Postpaid line subscribers can use the SimKredit service.
If you have reached your credit limit, you can order "EkstraKredit".
The cost of each message with "EkstraKredit" request is 0.08 AZN.
*By using “Simkredit” services, the subscriber agrees to the full or partial automated processing of any personal and other data (traffic) about himself/herself, including collection, use, processing, as well as the provision of these services to increase the range and quality of these services, as well as subject to the conditions established in the legislation, within the term of the contract.
The amount of "SimKredit" that can be obtained is different for each user. This also takes into account the history of balance replenishment and the period of line activity.
To find out about the maximum amount of "SimKredit" that can be received, dial *200*7#YES.
"SimKredit" debt and all associated fees are debited from the balance of the number during the next top-up or paid through "PayCell" bonuses.
If there are enough funds on the number balance, the entire amount of debt will be written off immediately. If there are not enough funds on the balance, each time the loan amount will be debited in the amount of 0.05 AZN.
If you receive “SimTaksit” for 2 AZN (by 9155 or dialing *155#YES), 0.08 AZN will be deducted from the balance every day for the next 30 days from the day of the request.
If there is an outstanding amount after 30 days, the entire outstanding amount is deducted on the 31st day. If there is insufficient balance in your account on the 31st day, the outstanding amount will be deducted from your balance after the next top-up.
2 AZN loan can be repaid in full by sending BORC to 9155.
You should wait at least 10 minutes for your top-up to be updated before applying for "SimKredit". If you apply for it immediately, the entire amount may be deducted from your balance at once, and not in installments.
To get the maximum amount of "SimKredit", dial *200#YES.
To order the maximum amount of credit for another subscriber, it is required to send a request with the corresponding USSD to *200* (xx-xxx-xx-xx). The payment for the sent SMS is not charged.
Relevant USSD codes for amounts: