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Get "akart"

Get "akart"

Activate your “akart” now


Every time

Get "akart" without leaving home and benefit for free!


Earn 2% cashback at supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol stations and auto parts stores and 1% in other categories!

For everyone

Manage payments and transfers fast

How to benefit from "akart" services?

1. Download “akart” app

2. Finalize the registration process by passing the facial recognition stage

3. Add your card to Apple/Google pay

4. Start benefiting from "akart"!

How to benefit from "akart" services?

 1. Download “akart” app

1. Download “akart” app

2. Finalize the registration process by passing the facial recognition stage

2. Finalize the registration process by passing the facial recognition stage

3. Add your card to Apple/Google pay

3. Add your card to Apple/Google pay

4. Start benefiting from "akart"!

4. Start benefiting from "akart"!

Personal information is protected by SIMA. More.


“akart” app

“akart” app

Take advantage of the benefits of akart in the akart app.

Additional Information

"akart" is free of charge.

"akart" is valid for 3 years. At the end of 3 years, the balance of the card remains in the wallet and is automatically transferred to that card when a new card is activated. If the subscriber does not activate the new card, the remaining money in the wallet will be blocked.

"akart" is intended only for citizens of Azerbaijan with an Azercell number.

Click the link to get an Azercell number.