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How to get the number?

Available ways to purchase a number:

  • Pre-ordering the number on
  • Applying Azercell Exclusive stores
  • Visiting Azercell authorized dealers

New price for purchasing a new number with the 010 prefix


  • If a subscriber orders a number with prefix 010 through the website and then contacts an Azercell Exclusive store, he only pays for the activation amount and the cost of the monthly tariff plan.  
  • If a subscriber directly contacts an Azercell Exclusive store to get a number with the prefix 010, he/she makes a monthly payment for the number, activation amount, and tariff plan of his / her choice on the website.
  • Subscribers can activate one of the following tariffs by purchasing a new prefix number 010:
  • GəncOL 6
    GəncOL 9
  • Sərbəst 6
    Sərbəst 10
    Sərbəst 15
    Sərbəst 25
    Sərbəst 50
    Sərbəst 75
  • Sadə 6
  • İstəsən
  • The subscriber should visit any Exclusive stores of Azercell (any points of sale) within 7 days for the number ordered. If the customer does not approach the store within this period, the amount paid for the number will be returned to the card and the number will be re-posted on and put up for sale. This rule applies to all ordered numbers.
  • It is currently impossible to obtain postpaid line numbers with the prefix 010 directly from Azercell’s official point of sales. Numbers can only be activated after an online order via the website by visiting Azercell's any official point of sale.
  • If postpaid line subscribers want to transfer the number with 010 prefix to an prepaid line system, they must approach any Azercell Exclusive store within the next day.
  • New numbers with 010 prefix , which belong to the postpaid line system, start with the series 0102xx. Those who started with another series belong to the prepaid line system.
  • After activating the new 010 prefix number, a bonus of 3 AZN is added to the balance of prepaid system subscriber within “Xoş gəldin” (“Welcome”) campaign.

New price for purchasing a new number with the 050/051 prefix


  • Subscribers can get numbers with prefixes 050/051 both on and by selecting them from the catalog of numbers of the Official Dealer.
  • If the number price is not listed on, you can get information by calling the dealer's contact number.
  • After activating the new number, a bonus of 3 AZN is added to the balance of prepaid system subscriber within “Xoş gəldin” (“Welcome”) campaign within the first 10 days.