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How do I register the number on another person’s or my own name?

How do I register the number on another person’s or my own name?

Both persons should apply to Azercell Customer Care offices with relevant documents.

If one or both of the persons cannot visit the Azercell Exclusive office, the operation can be carried out based on the power of attorney.

In the process of name-to-name registration, the number must be free of any invoice or credit debt.

The documents required for registration of the number from one physical person’s name to another one are as follows:

The documents required for registration of the number from one physical person’s name to a legal person’s name or vice versa are as follows:

Note: If the legal entity in whose name the number is transferred does not have any active number in Azercell, relevant documents must be submitted.

The documents required for registration of the number from one legal person’s name to another legal person’s name are as follows:

Note: If the legal entity in whose name the number is transferred does not have any active number in Azercell, relevant documents must be submitted.

Documents required to re-register the number from the name of the deceased subscriber to another person:

Note: If the person applying on behalf of the deceased subscriber is a foreign citizen, he / she should submit a temporary / permanent residence permit in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a foreign passport.


Service fees for the operation:

  1. Transfer from an individual entity to another individual entity – 3 AZN (for 050 211XXXX series numbers, the service fee is 500 AZN);
  2. Transfer from an individual entity to a legal entity and from a legal entity to an individual entity – free of charge (for 050 211XXXX series numbers, the service fee is 500 AZN);
  3. Transfer from a legal entity to another legal entity – free of charge (for 050 211XXXX series numbers, the service fee is 500 AZN);
  4. Transfer of a deceased subscriber’s number to another person – free of charge.